#Let’s talk about mental health

#Let’s talk about mental health

In life we are encouraged to take care of our physical health, but it’s imperative that your mental health or mental wellness is prioritised too. The below is a basic list of the more common triggers to a mental health crisis. Knowing that you or a loved one have experienced a potential trigger and then is presenting with two or more of these common signs & symptoms it is important that you or the individual seek clinical support.

Common Triggers to Developing Mental Health
Crisis or Illness

• Stress
• Loss of a loved one
• Traumatic events
• Relationship breakdown
• Alcohol & Drug abuse
• Trauma
• Bullying & intimidation
• Social pressures & expectations

• Financial expectations
• Workplace pressures
• Personal unrealistic expectations
• Discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity
• Domestic Violence
• Infertility & perinatal loss
• Pregnancy
• Menopause

Knowing the More Common Signs
and Symptoms of a Mental Illness

To clarify, a “Sign” is what you can see in someone and a “Symptom” is what someone can feel and experience.


• Withdrawn
• Not able to complete tasks
• Relying on alcohol or drugs
• Lack of concentration
• Abstaining from social events


• Overwhelmed
• Guilty
• Irritable
• Frustrated
• Low Confidence
• Unhappy
• Indecisive
• Disappointed
• Miserable


• Tired all the time
• Sick & run down
• Headaches & muscle pain
• Churning stomach
• Loss or change in appetite
• Significant weight loss

It’s important to note these are basic indicators, the reality is that someone living with a mental health disorder may not show any of the above signs or symptoms that is why it is important that as a community we continue to build a positive culture around mental health, removing the perceived stigma and barriers to create opportunities for those who feel isolated to reach out for support.

Help and support is there in so many forms from family and friends to health
professionals like your GP or psychologist.
If you or a loved one needs support, Lifeline is there 24/7, 365 days a year call 13 11 14.

“Knowing the more common signs of a mental health disorder is as equally important as knowing resuscitation, both have the ability to save a life”.

Download Your Free Poster

Man Anchor has created a Free A3 poster of these Mental Health support tips that you can print out and display in your office or home. Click here to download your poster>

Tips for supporting your mental health during COVID-19

Tips for supporting your mental health during COVID-19

In these unprecedented times it is completely understandable that some people within our community will be experiencing higher levels of stress and low levels of anxiety. It is important that we address this before the stress and anxiety grows to distress or crisis. Here are some simple tips for dealing with increasing levels of stress and anxiety.

Stay Connected

Social distancing does not equate to social isolation, just like in more positive times staying connected and communicating with friends and family is key to supporting positive mental health.
Tip: Be creative in how you connect with friends and family like virtual coffee or drinks.

Stay Active

The power of exercise is truly amazing and is key to a healthy mind. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins.
Tip: Physical exercises such as a 15 minute walk or yoga.

Limit News Feeds

It is important to stay connected to information regarding the pandemic however we need to be mindful that constant barrage of negative media can have a negative effect on you and your family’s mental health. The continuous feed of information can cause distress and anxiety which will impact your ability to think in a proactive manner.
Tip: Set yourself a time (once or twice) in the morning and evening to watch the news.

Knowing the signs

Mental illness effects a person’s thinking, emotional state, behaviour and physical wellbeing. If these changes and symptoms last longer than a few weeks or impact the person’s ability to function or carry out daily activities, it is recommended that they
seek professional support.
Tip: Having open and transparent conversations about the impact of the pandemic
can allow you to identify subtle changes in your own and others mental health.

Reach Out

Like most health-related illness early intervention is the key to preventing someone becoming unwell and this is the same with your mental health. The easiest place to start is reach out to your friends and family, together you can seek the
support of a health professional such as your local GP.

Resources & Crisis Support

In an emergency call 000
Lifeline 13 11 14 https://www.lifeline.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 65 94 67 https: www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36 https:// www.beyondblue.org.au/home
Mens Line 1300 78 99 78 https:// mensline.org.au

Download Your Free Poster

Man Anchor has created a Free A3 poster of these Covid-19 support tips that you can print out and display in your office or home. Click here to download your poster>

The Importance of Simple Conversations

The Importance of Simple Conversations

A simple Conversation could save a life
A simple Conversation could save a life

What would you say if I told you that you could potentially change a friend or loved one’s life forever or EVEN save their life!

Are you serious? How?

The fact is we all can make a difference by starting simple conversations with our friends and family about mental health.

It’s a frightening statistic that1 in 8 males and 1 in 5 females will struggle with either anxiety or depression. Knowing these statistics, stop for a second and think about the people in your life. There is a high chance that someone close to you is living with a mental health condition. Read the full article here.

Inspirational and Brave

Inspirational and Brave

A brave and inspirational mate Mitchell Paterson sharing his battle to create awareness 🖤. Love you Mitch stay strong & stay you ⚓️

I’m suffering from anxiety mental health issues and severe depression, I am not ashamed of it anymore and it’s not a good place to be in. People don’t believe me when I tell them because I am happy and laughing round them and try to make others laugh. At times I struggle. I can be hard to live with or be around when I get this way and I know it. I try my best to control it and mostly succeed. I manage to get on top of it and control things but at times I break. So if u see me and I’m quiet or don’t speak, I’m not upset with u, and u haven’t upset me. I don’t mean to be rude, I may just need a moment to myself.
So please if ur my friend just bare with me. It’s OK not to be ok, tell someone ur not OK. Everyone says, “if u need anything, don’t hesitate, I’ll be there for u…” so I’m going to make a bet, without being pessimistic, I wish my friends that u will put this on ur wall.
Whether you suffer with it or not.
You just have to copy, not share! I want to know who I can count on… And I’m sure it’ll be less than 25. Write ” done” in comments when u do.
It’s mental illness awareness month. ♥

The Same Same But Different

The Same Same But Different

same but different

The Same Same But Different

The Same Same But Different Theory –

It’s important to remember that we are all different. Being different is what makes us unique, giving us each our own personal identity.

As individuals we have our own way of seeing and dealing with life, it’s important to understand that the world is seen differently through other people’s eyes, especially when it comes to mental health.
It’s common when witnessing a friend, family member or colleague suffering from a mental health condition that we are confused by the cause or trigger. We find it hard to understand- “What do they have to be depressed about? Surely not, they have a great life?”

The way we all hear, see and process information, events and challenges are different. Take this scenario for instance you may have two friends with the same social, moral & ethical values however the way in which each of them process a situation may be completely different. One may think the situation is trivial were the other may find it completely overwhelming. I call this “The Same Same But Different Theory”.

Understanding these differences is key to helping us identify and demonstrate EMPATHY to the people in our lives that maybe struggling with a mental health condition.

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